Young Preschool 2 1/2 to 4

Children at this age are very curious and energetic. We specialize on channeling their energy into things that help children learn and grow. Our hands-on daily activities allow these enthusiastic children to explore and learn in a fun-filled environment.
We celebrate children’s individuality and nourish their curiosity, independence, creativity, and self-esteem. By fostering positive learning attitudes and challenging children’s thinking we expect that each child will be empowered to reach their individual potential. Equally important for children is a constant group of friends, and uninterrupted periods of time for children to play, where learning can flow in the natural direction of children’s interests, increasing engagement and depth of learning. This offers daily stability and supports our transition to school programme.
Stepping Stone Day Care Young Preschool Features
Sharing, Taking Turns, Using Manners, and Following Directions
Putting things back where they belong.
Learning to use words to resolve conflicts.
Learning to self dress.
Learning to use scissors, crayons, markers and glue<./p>
Recognizing numbers, letters, colors and shapes.
Recognizing and writing name.
Potty Training and washing hands.